Monday, December 15, 2008

Could Global Warming be the new Religion?

If global warming occurs then it will be the only religion to the Human Environment. It’s becoming popular all over the world. It will bring a nightmare to the planet. This is become an issue to all the religions around the world. Religions blame global warming for all the events that has happened. Events like Hurricanes, ice storms, heat waves, and Earthquakes. I think it will affect the jobs of all people. It will be hard for animals to find homes. Land Animals will be affected by the rise of the sea level. It will be hard for farmers to grow crops. The weather temperature will increase and the next minute it will decrease. It will take the fun out of Vacations. I think when sea level would rise to a huge point; many countries will fight each other for lands. It will be a chaos. I think Countries should stop spending money on military Equipment and Concentrate The Global Warming issue.


5 ways to save the planet

There are many ways to save The Planet from turning into a polluted world. Some of these ways can be very helpful to the planet. There are ways that can help you how to conserve energy around the house. And how to save money while doing good habits. These are just 5 ways to save the Planet.

1) If you see garbage bags that haven’t been pick up yet and been there for more than a week, contact the city or Neighborhood Authorities.

2) It’s always important to recycle .The more you recycle the more trees could be save.

3) Only heat boiling water the point. Don’t leave it boiling for more than 15 minutes.

4) 30% of toilet water is being use out of the total water that is use in a household. Put a brick in the cistern, and it will reduce the amount of water that is being flush.

5) Electrical Radiators are only to be use approximately every 7 hours throughout the day. Don’t leave it on for more than 2 hours.


What people think?

Will Global warming cause the next Ice Age. People don’t think recycling is a salvation for global warming. People still use their electricity when is not needed. Gasoline is a huge problem but people don’t care what the gasoline will do to the earth atmosphere. They don’t care what it will do the earth in the future. They probably don’t even care that it will affect their future family members. Most people also don't understand how the theory of global warming works. People think is all a Myth. On the other side Scientist all over the World have a prediction that their will be long climate changes because of our actions. I agree with the Scientist , I think there will be long period of cold, or long period of hot temperatures, and that small Island around the world will be the first ones to be affected by the growth of the sea level.


Weather Tragedies gives us Allusions of Global Warming

Weather disasters have increase due to Global Warming. Global Warming will give birth to the most dangerous disaster that will impact the world. A big weather tragedy that occurred in 2004 was the Tsunami that hit Asia. Then in 2005 United States had one of the deadliest Hurricane(Katrina) .

Both of these tragedies had affected the Human Society and also the climates of the world. “These might not have been directly caused by global warming, but it certainly paints a picture of thing to come” said article writer George Christodoulou. I agree with Christodoulou statement, there’s more disaster to come. And it will show us a feeling of how global warming will be. Christodoulou also clarified in his article that “Scientists have estimated that as much as half a million people in Asia could face starvation within the next 30-40 years at this rate.”In the past few years summers are getting hotter than usual. Weather patterns have been shown that earth is being attack by the Green House Effect.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Plants Society in a Green House world"

Global warming is destroying the plant society in the world. Plants are flowering earlier. In the future due to the damage that could occur from the Green House effect, Plants will have a hard time adapting, but at same time other will not have a hard time to adapt to the aftermath of Global Warming. In the Ecology system plants are known as producers to herbivores and also carnivores. These plants will no longer provide consumers as they are providing them now. Many consumers will have to adapt to the new life of the plant. This will cause a problem in the Ecology System because it will be very hard for the consumers to find plants and get their energy that they need. It will also affect us. Why? Well one of the reasons we live in this world is because the Oxygen that the Plants are giving us. It will also be a heavy problem for our future. I find this situation very complicated because I can’t imagine how the People will will have to adapt to the new oxygen level in the polluted world.


"Global Warming affecting Wildlife"

Global Warming has affected every living thing on earth. Wildlife animals have been affected by the Green House Effect. The National Wild life said that “Global warming is the most dangerous threat to Wildlife.”As a result to the climate in Antarctica many animals are facing a hazard situation. Penguins are one the animals. The rate of the temperature has increase in Antarctica. In Central America, there are animals like the Monarch Butterflies who are also endangered because the trees that provide them shelter are disappearing and these gives them more problems to find shelters while traveling in the seasons. Another Animal who depends on Sea life is the polar bear. Sea ice is melting around the globe which is hard for the Polar bears to find shelter and spots to raise the young ones. In the Water Ecosystem, Coral Reef which are homes to many sea fishes have face environmental problems.” In one year alone, sixteen percent of the world’s coral reefs were wiped out.”There many climates around the world whose being affected by the Green House Effect.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Facts about Global Warming

As we all Know Earth was form many years ago (4,450,000,000 years ago). Oxygen level was very low in those days. Then about 2,700,000,000 later Plants started to urbanized. The earliest animals started to emerge. Then we (Humans) came about 4,100,000 years ago. About 20,000 years ago the earliest farms were made. The “Concentration of Carbon dioxides” slowly increase from the Agriculture Revolution. Carbon Dioxide increase from a “low of 190 ppm 21,000 years ago, to about 290 ppm in the year 1900”. The Industrial Revolution (started in the late 18s) was starting in England because they had goods like iron and a good transportation system. There are more than 830,000,000 vehicles on earth. Think of the amount of Pollution that these vehicles are polluting through the world.”1998 was the warmest year of record.”Then the year of 2007 was also the warmest year of record. The burning of fossil fuels has increase the rate of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere. Climate Models have shown that the earth surface is warming up. Our activities are increasing the Greenhouse Effect. I believe there’s a way to reduce the global warming effect.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is Global Warming real or is it a Myth?

Global warming will cause total damage, climate changes, bring up the sea level, and a world war would be formed. “Earth is warming not because it wants to but because of us.” The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said “global average surface temperature increased about 0.6 degrees Celsius over the 20th century”. It also said “it is likely that we have increased the warming.”Many People are laughing at panic.”A quantity of people said that they heard stories about the earth coming to an end in the year of 2000, and nothing happened.”They thing money is the problem to global warming. I think that Oxygen level in many areas of the earth is decreasing and air pollution is increasing. I think it’s real and its going to happened. But I don’t think is about money. It has to do with us. Our cars, our aircraft, trees getting burned down, and the rest, that is what is causing global warming.


"Global Warming is destroying the Fun"

A sport like Baseball is in a hazard situation and could no longer exist. Why because baseball bats are made from ash trees which are disappearing. And it reason of being in this situation is because of Global Warming. Christmas decorations could no longer be the same without a Christmas trees (pine trees). Pine trees are being consume by the pine bark beetle, many forest are being destroy because of the pine bark beetle infestation. Many winter sports could be eliminated, because of warmer winters. This also could affect the winter Olympics. Vacations at the Caribbean can become jeopardize why because greenhouse gases are going into the oceans. Sea food is also being jeopardized. “40% of Salmon fishes are vanishing in their habitats.” Many of these fun activities are going be terminated because of global warming.
